Electricity rate
Electricity Rate This is the rate charged by Vrijopnaam for electricity. Value-added tax (VAT) is applicable on the electricity rate. The rate varies depending on the contract type: fixed, variable, or dynamic. Additionally, the electricity rate may vary based on the time of consumption.
Normal and off-peak electricity rates
If you choose day and night electricity (dual-rate), you pay less for electricity at night than during the day. The off-peak rate applies on weekdays from 23:00 to 07:00, on weekends, and on national holidays. In regions with an evening rate, our off-peak rate starts from 21:00 (Noord-Brabant and Limburg).
Single-rate electricity
Single-rate is the price for Vrijopnaam electricity, regardless of the time of consumption. It offers a consistently advantageous price per kWh.
Natural gas rate
This is the rate charged by Vrijopnaam for gas. The amount per cubic meter may vary depending on the contract type (fixed, variable, or dynamic). VAT is applicable on the gas rate.
Energy tax
Energy tax is a government levy on the consumption of electricity and natural gas. By doing so, the government wants people to use energy more sparingly and efficiently. You pay VAT as well on the energy tax.
Produce electricity with solar panels on your own roof
If you have produced more solar power than you consumed during a year, you will receive a fixed feed-in compensation. The fixed feed-in compensation can be found on the rate sheet in the Vrijopnaam web-app.
Feed-in costs
Feed-in costs are the charges for returning electricity to the grid. These costs depend on the amount of solar power you feed back into the grid each year and the period in which it occurs. Starting January 1, 2025, the costs will be calculated per kilowatt-hour (kWh), meaning you will pay a specific amount for each kWh of electricity fed back into the grid.
For more information, visit www.vrijopnaam.nl/terugleverkosten.
Customers without a small consumer connection for feed-in are exempt from feed-in costs. Paneelopnaam is also not subject to these charges.
Produce your own power with Paneelopnaam
If you produce power with one or more solar panels in one of our solar parks (Panelenopnaam), you will receive the electricity rate of Vrijopnaam including VAT. This rate has a maximum of € 0,08 per kWh (incl. VAT).
We guarantee that the solar panels in our parks produce at least 250 kWh per year. The yield from this energy is reconciled on your annual invoice. Unfortunately, government levies such as energy tax and statutory charges cannot be offset. We do include these government levies on the annual invoice. The value of the power you generate, therefore, consists of the purchase price including our surcharges, GVO costs, and VAT on those.
Fixed delivery costs
The fixed delivery costs are the costs Vrijopnaam charges for carrying out its business processes.These fixed delivery costs are € 8,00 per month for electricity and € 7,50 per month for gas.
Energy tax credit
A tax credit applies to each electricity connection. This is because up to a certain amount, energy use is regarded as a basic need. A reduction of € 635,19 incl. VAT per year applies to the electricity tax for residential areas. We will incorporate this credit in your monthly installment amount.
Electricity grid operator costs
In addition to the delivery rate and energy taxes, you also pay grid costs for managing and maintaining the electricity grid and meter rental. For an average user these grid costs are € 473,79 incl. VAT per year. This amount is based on Stedin's rates for 2025 (Stedin is the regional grid operator in the province of Utrecht and in large parts of the province of South-Holland). The actual costs depend on your regional grid operator.
Grid operator costs natural gas
For an average user, the natural gas grid management costs are € 259,43 incl. VAT per year. This amount is based on Stedin's rates for 2025. The actual costs depend on your regional grid operator.
Your monthly installment amount
This installment amount is calculated based on your declared consumption and the current rates of Vrijopnaam. The annual amount includes costs for consumption, including energy tax, network costs, fixed supply costs, and VAT. The monthly amount is the expected annual amount divided by 12.
Any questions?
Don't hesitate to contact us:
Telephone: 085 - 30 32 652
Email: klantteam@vrijopnaam.nl