Label consumentenbond groenste stroom van Nederland Award 'Beste energieleverancier 2024' uitgereikt aan Vrijopnaam door

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do you want?


Settlement on your energy bill

€ 0

Annually guaranteed kWh for 9 years (with a maximum of € per kWh)

One-time deposit

€ 0

Your profit

€ 0

Choose your solar park in The Netherlands

Solar power can be generated anywhere. Not only on the roof but on unprofitable farmland, closed landfills and noise walls along highways. Constructed with care and attention to the landscape. The yield of a Paneelopnaam is almost the same everywhere, at least 250 kWh per year is guaranteed.

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Goed; blij met de keuze voor Vrijopnaam


Beveelt ons aan!

Duidelijke overzichten, prima eindafrekening. Fijn zonnepanelen te hebben die voor je werken zonder dat je ze op een eigen dak hoeft te hebben, een dak dat niet in een handige richting staat.

Zeer goede energie leverancier.


Beveelt ons aan!

T.o.v. vele andere energie leveranciers is dit een geweldig bedrijf. Telefonisch snel bereikbaar. Zeer klantviendelijk. Al je vragen worden snel beantwoord ook via mail. Ze zijn niet de goedkoopste maar daar krijg je wel goede service voor terug. Paneel op naam kan ik iedereen aanbevelen. Volgens de deskundigen een van de groenste energieleveranciers van Nederland . Ga zo door.



Beveelt ons aan!

Overzichtelijke app, zonnepanelen te koop in veld in Nederland. Klantenservice zeer goed bereikbaar ook per telefoon!

Vrijopnaam krijgt een 9.1 op basis van 1690 reviews op

4 certainties of Vrijopnaam


Always solar power for the lowest price. Save money and the environment!


Power that makes you feel good. 100% Dutch solar power and carbon compensated natural gas.



We'll arrange your transfer. You can view what you consume and generate in the app at any time. Useful.



You can cancel monthly, but why would you? The sun will shine for a while (about 5 billion years)


Slimme vragen over zonnepark Reuver

Read all questions

Vrijopnaam’s mission is to enable everyone to produce their own solar power. That’s why we offer 'Panelenopnaam' to our customers. These are solar panels that are not mounted on domestic rooftops, but placed in collective solar fields operated by Vrijopnaam.

A single Paneelopnaam costs € 99. With this Paneelopnaam, you are entitled to a minimum yield of 250 kWh per panel per year, for a period of 9 years. The yield of your Paneelopnaam gets settled on your annual statement. The value of this power equals your own Vrijopnaam power commodity price, with a maximum of € 0,08 per kWh. The supply rate is the rate of Vrijopnaam excluding VAT and energy tax.

Read more about producing your own solar power.

Every Paneelopnaam has an annual yield of at least 250 kWh. This amount of power gets deduced from your annual statementl at the supply rate (excluding energy tax and VAT on this) with a maximum of €0.08 per kWh.

After 9 years you can extend the term by re-investing. By doing so, you keep on enjoying the benefits of producing your own solar power.

Solar parks are operational for at least 15 years and designed to be 20-25 years in production.

Yes, you surely do. Of course, sunny circumstances are the best for high yields, but solar panels still produce part of their peak power during cloudy hours through diffuse sunlight irradiation. The temperature also influences the kWh production. The cooler it is, the more efficient solar panels work. All things considered, sunny, cool (and breezy) moments are best for high sustainable power yields from your solar panels.

Chatten of bellen naar 085-30 32 652 kan op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur. Mailen kan altijd!

News under the sun